
Canned drinks take centre stage this festival season

With festival season in full swing, many UK festivals have banned single-use plastics and glass bottles, allowing canned beverages to take centre stage. 

According to new research commissioned by the Can Makers, more than half of festival-goers now prefer canned drinks, reflecting a broader shift towards sustainable options. With three out of five UK adults favouring festivals that promote eco-friendly practices, it’s clear that sustainability is a key priority for many. In fact, 44% of festival attendees actively seek out environmentally friendly products to bring along with them. 

The rising popularity of canned drinks can be attributed to several factors, including convenience, variety and sustainability. Consumers have long appreciated the quick-chill capabilities and portability of cans, which make them perfect for any occasion. Now, the sustainability credentials of cans are being more widely recognised, especially among those who are increasingly environmentally conscious. And the range of beverages available in cans, from sophisticated soft drinks to sparkling wines, ensures there’s something for everyone. 

Research conducted by us in 2023 highlighted a shift in perception, revealing that over a quarter of UK adults believe the quality of wine in cans has improved. Moreover, more than a third of UK adults now think it’s possible to buy bar-quality cocktails in a can. The balance between quality, convenience, sustainability and accessibility has made cans the go-to choice, offering an easy-to-recycle format without compromising on quality. 

In fact, the variety of canned beverages available today, from bar-quality cocktails to sophisticated low & no options, brands might be forgiven for wondering if the market is fast approaching the point of saturation. But the reality is that this diversity of choice and the explosion in popularity of drinks in cans is just the beginning. Recent years have proved that the drinks industry is nothing if not innovative and as we work collectively towards a more circular economy, the can’s robust environmental credentials in combination with a host of benefits for stakeholders throughout the value chain, mean that it is ideally positioned to help new entrants to the drinks market as well as established brands create a premium position in their market. 

Just as greater numbers of consumers now recognise the benefits cans offer, brands in every market segment are now also alive to the opportunities cans offer. The potential for striking design that has helped new entrants to the market, differentiate and establish a premium position has been pivotal in the growth of the format, which the craft beer movement underpinned.  

The drinks industry is nothing if not innovative, and as we collectively move towards a more circular economy, the can’s environmental credentials and benefits make it an ideal choice for both emerging and established brands. The can is well-positioned to support continued growth in the drinks market, offering a sustainable packaging solution that aligns with the evolving demands of both consumers and manufacturers. 

Ultimately, canned beverages are set to play a pivotal role not just in festival settings, but in the broader drinks industry for years to come, championing a more circular and successful future.